Create an accommodating and welcoming environment at your business or place of work through our no-cost community trainings.
Your mission is to serve your clients. Through our community trainings, we’ll help you create the most-welcoming environment possible for clients with disabilities. Through these trainings, you’ll be a part of an emerging community of welcoming and accessible establishments, and your clients will feel better served and accommodated.
Click Here To Request A Training From CODSN
Let’s Build A Community of Accessibility
The daily experience of those living with disabilities is most often navigating communities that are not built to accommodate their needs. To remedy this, CODSN provides community trainings and resources so that you can make your little corner of the business world more accessible and welcoming to people of all diverse abilities.
What Types of Training Does CODSN Provide?
Employee Training
Have your employees trained to be allies to both clients and coworkers of different abilities. Through this training, you’ll create a welcoming environment, increase morale, and improve client experience for those with diverse abilities.

Provider Training
Have your medical providers and first responders trained how to create positive experiences for patients with different abilities. Through this training, participants learn how to treat these patients with greater dignity and respect while providing person-centered healthcare services.

Workplace Accessibility Assessments
Have your workplace assessed for accessibility issues. Through this service, you’ll identify problem areas you’d likely never have noticed on your own. We’ll also provide you with the practical tools and resources that you need to better serve all clients.

Custom Services and Trainings
Need something you don’t see? Have CODSN create a custom training or service related to disability education and host it at your business. Our goal is to support our community in becoming an accessible and welcoming place for all people!

Better Serve Your Clients With Different Abilities
As a business owner or provider, your mission is to serve your clients. Through our community trainings, we’ll help you to do just that, and together we will build an accessible community.